About my three smiles
Why Three Smiles?
Three Smiles represents my three children:

Smile 1
Smile 1 is 13 and has a range of needs, including Aspergers, dyslexia, Irlens, sensory processing difficulties and a few other bits.
He has an Education, Health, and Care Plan (EHCP) and attends a mainstream secondary school with a Specialist Resource Centre.
He enjoys playing football and playing on his XBox. He also likes playing family games.
He does a lot of clubs. He plays for Maidstone Raiders (a disability club for all ages) and goes to Bubbles Swimming group.

Smile 2
Smile 2 is 10 and has a range of needs, such as ASD with associated language disorder, learning difficulties, challenging behaviour, extreme anxiety, demand avoidant behaviour (PDA), sleep difficulties and sensory processing difficulties.
He has had an EHCP since the age of 3 and attends a special school.
He likes playing with lego and riding his bike. He also likes to do art and crafts.

Smile 3
Smile 3 is the second twin and his needs are ASD, learning difficulties, Speech Sound Disorder and Lateral Lisp, hearing difficulties due to glue ear, and Sensory Processing Disorder.
He has had an EHCP since the age of 3 and attends a special school.
He likes playing football and playing lego. He also likes learning but mostly about nature.
He is our sensory seeker and so he does a lot of clubs. He plays for Maidstone Raiders, goes to Pegasus Gymnastics and attends Bubbles Swimming.